From Beginner to Advanced Top 15 Anaerobic Exercises for All


Are you looking for an effective and result-oriented exercise to meet your goals quickly? Try these high-energy anaerobic exercises, where each workout requires intense physical energy that pushes your fitness level to new heights. Unlike aerobic exercises, anaerobic exercises are short bursts of high intensity that challenge your muscle’s limits. Additionally, it strengthens our muscles and builds stamina. In this complete guide, you will learn about:

  • What is anaerobic exercise?
  • Types of anaerobic exercise.
  • The benefits of anaerobic exercise
  • 15 top anaerobic exercises.
  • Easiest anaerobic home workout
  • Tips to perform anaerobic exercises safely.

What Is Anaerobic Exercise?

Have you ever heard about anaerobic exercises? They are very high-intensity and quick workouts. In Anaerobic exercises, our body uses the energy already stored in our muscles to power them instead of using oxygen. Hence, they are so intense that they can only be performed up to 10 – 15 reps simultaneously. In other words, you can say that they can only be performed for a very short duration. These intense movements cannot usually be maintained for very long. In short, you can say anaerobic exercises are quick sprints of intense exercises.

What Are The Types Of Anaerobic Exercises

Before we get into the exercises, it is essential to understand that anaerobic exercise does not rely on the body’s respiratory system for energy. Instead, it primarily depends on the phosphagen and lactic acid systems, which is the primary reason why these high-intensity exercises cannot be performed for a more extended period. That is why they are very quick bursts. 

Here are the 4 anaerobic exercises to tap into your inner energy stored in muscles and quickly do an effective workout.

1. High-Intensity Interval Training (Anaerobic HIIT)

One of the most excellent and renowned anaerobic exercises is HIIT among fitness freaks. It is well-known for its extremely good and timely results, such as quick fat loss. HIIT, as its name suggests, is a high-intensity training interval that comes after a slow and steady workout. Any exercise can be converted into anaerobic HIIT by adding high-intensity short intervals into the endings of the long and slow intervals.

For example, Sprints involve short, intense bursts of physical activity. The goal here is to work out for at least 15 seconds at a higher heart rate than the average rate. Then, take a recovery time of up to 60 seconds.

2. Weightlifting

This is one more efficient workout method based on the anaerobic energy system. Weightlifting is usually linked to men or athletes only, but in reality, it is beneficial for everyone who wants to lose weight and build lean muscles. Usually, it is done with weights like kettlebells and dumbbells or with anaerobic exercise machines. Moreover, if you want to make them more effective, there are two ways to do so: 

  • Set a time frame for the predetermined reps
  • Or either increase the number of reps without any rest or delays.

It is crucial to ensure you’re performing these workouts correctly; here, you can always get consulted by the personal trainer, or you may end up hurting yourself.

Example of Weightlifting Anaerobics

Load a barbell with enough weights to comfortably lift it in the bench press. Do as many reps as you can in one minute. Then, give your muscles a break for not more than one minute and start your bench press again.

3. Callisthenics Anaerobics

Callisthenics Anaerobics exercises

Calisthenic, originating from the Greek terms Kallos, meaning “beauty,” and sthenos, meaning strength, is a classic bodyweight exercise with high resistance. It is a strength training exercise that uses body weight to resist compound movements. Callisthenic exercises are known to boost flexibility, muscle strength, joint strength, stability, and overall grace of movement in the body.

For Example, a calisthenic anaerobic workout is a very accessible and convenient form of workout that can be done anywhere. The most remarkable examples of this are pull-ups, push-ups, chin-ups, lunges, and crunches.

4. Plyometrics

Plyometrics is another form of anaerobic exercise that involves explosive movements like jumps. Like all others, it is short and gives bursts of energy, the same way as in sprinting. Plyometrics is a bit similar to callisthenics, as it is also based on body weights. On the other hand, it is a bit different, as it uses rapid and sudden movements to increase speed, power, and strength. It is a very popular way of working among athletes due to its ability to enhance agility, speed, strength, and much more.

For example, Plyometrics are explosive bodyweight exercises. The most common anaerobic workout examples are jumping Squats, rope skipping, and lunge jumps.

What are the  Benefits of Anaerobic Exercises?

If we start talking about the benefits of anaerobic exercises, the biggest one is that they help lose weight in half the time compared to aerobic exercises. Furthermore, they will help you with the following:

Benefits of Anaerobic Exercises

1. Efficient Way Of Burning Calories

During anaerobic exercises, the body generates energy quickly, producing lactic acid as a byproduct. This leads to muscle fatigue and a burning sensation. Hence, anaerobic exercise is perfect for those looking to lose fat quickly.

2. Increase Muscle Mass

Anaerobic exercises primarily work on the energy muscles stored in muscles because of the muscular tears, tightness, and stretching that occur throughout the workout. They gain increased muscle mass and bone density.

3. Improves Cardiovascular Health

The two most common health conditions that lead to cardiac arrest are blood pressure and heart rate, and anaerobic exercises effectively reduce heart and blood pressure. Researchers have proven that high-intensity exercises are more helpful than mid- to low-intensity exercises.

4. Blood Sugar

Establishing a consistent aerobic exercise routine for 12 weeks helps combat blood sugar effectively. A Pubmed study found that HIIT anaerobic exercises induce insulin resistance and reduce blood sugar. Hence, they are super beneficial for diabetics to fight type 2 diabetes and for non-diabetic people to reduce the risk of getting diabetes.

5. Lowers Cholesterol And Triglycerides

Anaerobic exercises like weight lifting and HIIT can significantly reduce high cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Moreover, research has proven that they greatly improve lipid profiles.

6. Time Efficient

Anaerobic exercises tap into the body’s immediate energy reserves stored in the muscles, providing a rapid source of energy for activities like sprinting, weightlifting, or jumping.

Anaerobic Exercises For Beginners

Anaerobic Exercises For Beginners

Starting from sprints and plyometrics is easier than callisthenics and HIIT for beginners who do not have this much stamina and flexibility.

1. Running Sprints

It is the best startup exercise for beginners. 

How To Sprint Running

  • Set a distance and time to run that distance.
  • Keep your posture strictly aligned with your shoulders and back.
  • Bent your elbows at 90 degrees.
  • Run as fast as you can in that decided short distance!

Effects Of Sprint Running

Running sprinting will amp up your cardio workout and bring your desired results quickly!

2. Swimming Sprints

Swimming sprints are an anaerobic exercise workout form that can last only 500 to 1000 metres, not more than that. The goal is to finish it the quickest you can.

How To Swimming Sprint

  • For effective swimming sprints, start with the warmup.
  • Keep your swimming area short and quick. For example, 15 – 18 metres would be an efficient distance.
  • The goal here would be to achieve a higher stroke rate without compromising stroke length.
  • Hold your breath for the sprints and engage your core.

Effects Of Swimming Sprint

It works wonders on the back and shoulders muscles. It helps build stamina and increases anaerobic energy. It is often offered to athletes to train them to achieve maximum power without their strokes falling apart.

3. Cycling Sprints

Some cyclists define cycling sprints as putting all their effort into a specific short distance, while others define them as putting all their effort into a short period of time. However, in both cases, you must put in all your stamina.

How To Cycling Sprint

  • Reframe your body in a way that exerts maximum of your power.
  • Start with the fast pace and then aim for the number of sets of sprints.
  • Match your leg’s peak force with the arm’s peak force to get the maximum output.
  • Keep your back straight and maintain body tension as you speed up.
  • As your cycle swings, the sides of your saddles might slightly brush against your thighs. This is a signal that you are in the correct position.
  • Also, keep a recovery time of at least 10 seconds between the sprints.

Effects Of Cycling Sprint

Cycling sprints help build stamina, increase metabolic rate, and contain enzymes that burn fat and tone the entire body. They also build bone density and strengthen resistance training.

4. Skipping Sprints

It is a fun fusion of high knees with the skips in a rhythmic flow.

How To Make Skipping Sprint

  • Focus on your posture; it should be straight
  • Bring your one foot up high enough to bend and make a 90-degree angle with the knee.
  • At the same time, move forward with the other leg.
  • Then, bring the other leg up and move forward with the other one.
  • Move your arms opposite to the leg. For example, when you bring the right leg up, move the left arm and vice versa.

Effects Of Skipping Sprint

It strengthens cardiovascular health and improves body coordination and balance. It maintains bone density and boosts running speed. Skipping sprints can quickly fix bad moods, release endorphins, and elevate stress.

5. Box Jumps

Box Jumps anaerobic exercise

It is a plyometric anaerobic exercise, and it amazingly builds your stamina and strengthens your muscles.

How To Perform Box Jumps

  • For beginners, choose the height of the box that would be only a few inches high.
  • Stand on your feet, shoulders width apart, close to the box.
  • Bend your knees
  • Jump forward by aiming at the box.
  • Your arm swing will help you move forward correctly.

Effects Of Box Jumps

Box jumps are a compound exercise focusing on the hamstrings, calf, glutes, and core muscles. They train your muscles to squeeze and contract quickly and improve muscle mobility. Moreover, as per its nature, box jumping is a versatile exercise that enhances coordination and agility.

6. Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers are bodyweight HIIT exercises that engage the shoulder, core, quads, and tricep muscles. It is also known as a full-body exercise.

How To Sprint Running

  • Lay down on the floor in a high plank position.
  • Keep your back aligned to your torso and legs.
  • Now, bring one knee up to your chest.
  • Return this to the original position.
  • Now, bring the other leg to the chest and return.
  • Pick up the pace with the leg movements.

Benefits Of Sprint Running

This full-body exercise efficiently engages the core, shoulder, calf, and glute muscles. It strengthens core muscles, improves cardiac health, and lowers blood pressure. The most cherished benefit of sprint running is that it boosts metabolic rate for some days.

7. Kettlebell Squat

It is a fusion of weightlifting and squats that increases the intensity level of classic squat exercises.

How To Do Kettlebell Squat

  • Choose a suitable weight for the kettlebell, not too high nor too low.
  • Hold the kettlebell in your hands so that it is easy to carry.
  • Now perform squats, keeping your back straight
  • Try to lean back as far as you can

The Benefits Of Kettlebell Squat

This exercise is best for those who want to work on their thighs and glutes. It strengthens the overall lower body, improves balance, and assists in other exercise forms. Adding a kettlebell into normal squats will stretch adductors and build butt mobility. A perfect squat form requires the coordination muscles that enhance core strength and stability.

8. Pushups

Pushups callisthenics exercise

Pushups are a form of callisthenics exercise that focuses on the triceps, anterior deltoids, and pectoral muscles. The classic can be done anywhere, at the gym or at home, without a ball or any equipment.

How To Pushups

  • Lay on the floor facing the floor like a high plank position.
  • Only bend your elbows to go down towards the floor.
  • Stops where your chest is just above the ground.
  • While performing push-ups, squeeze in your shoulders and torso and create full tension.

Effects Of Pushups

Strengthen multiple muscles at once, and you always have the freedom to modify your pushups according to your fitness level. It also improves body posture and helps you lose weight faster.

Advanced Anaerobic Exercises

Advanced anaerobic exercises are for those who have trained their body through beginner’s exercises and are ready to amp up their fitness regimen. Here, the intensity level of exercises would be increased, which would lead to more calorie burn and fat loss.

1. Bench Press

Bench press, also known as chest press, is a weightlifting exercise that targets the shoulder, arm, and chest muscles. 

How To Bench Press

  • Lie on the bench facing upwards
  • Keep your feet apart and distanced from each other.
  • Holds a barrel weight in both hands aligned with the shoulder
  • Your palms should be facing upwards
  • Slowly lift the bar from the rack to the fullest of your arms
  • Then, bring it back and repeat.

Benefits Of Bench Press

The bench press is a highly effective weightlifting exercise that offers numerous benefits for overall health and fitness. Being a compound exercise, it works on multiple muscle groups simultaneously, including the chest, shoulders, and triceps. It improves upper body strength, posture, and overall muscle mass. It also helps burn fat and increase muscle density and size.

2. Back Squat

The back squat is a compound exercise that targets the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and lower back muscles. It builds strength and power in the lower body. However, proper form and exercise are crucial for performing a back squat safely and effectively.

How To Back Squat

  • stand straight with your feet apart. 
  • Hold a barbell in your hands
  • your palms facing forward
  • Your hands and feet should be aligned with your shoulders
  • Keep your back straight and your core engaged
  • slowly lower the weight by bending your knees. 
  • Keep your weight on your heels and avoid letting your knees extend past your toes. 
  • Push through your heels to return to the starting position

Effects Of Back Squat

Regular back squats can improve muscle strength and power in the lower body. They also help improve balance and coordination. The exercise can be modified to suit different fitness levels by adjusting the weight and depth of the squat.

3. Rowing Sprints

Rowing sprints are high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercises that target full-body muscles. They support cardiovascular fitness and burn calories. 

How To Rowing Sprint

  • Start by holding a rowing machine or bar with your hands shoulder-width apart. 
  • Quickly pull the handle towards your chest, then push it back to the starting position. 
  • Repeat

Benefits Of Rowing Sprint

Such short and sharp bursts of rowing sprints build strength and activate fast twitch muscle fibres. They will boost your lifting performance and greatly enhance your endurance level.

4. Deadlifts

Deadlifts are a compound exercise that targets the entire body, including the legs, back, and arms.

How to Deadlift

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. 
  • Hold a barbell or dumbbell at shoulder-width distance
  • Your palms face forward. 
  • Keep your back straight and engage your core. 
  • Bend your knees and hips and Lift the weight upwards 
  • Keep your body weight on your heels
  • Avoid extending your knees past your toes. 
  • Push through your heels to return to the starting position

Effects of Deadlifts

Regular deadlifts improve muscle strength and power throughout the body. They also help improve balance and coordination.

5. Ski Erg Sprints

Ski erg sprints are high-intensity interval training (HIIT) exercises that target the entire body. It is an effective way to improve cardiovascular fitness and burn calories quickly.

How To Make Ski Erg Sprints

  • Hold a ski erg machine with your hands shoulder-width apart. 
  • Quickly pull the handle towards your chest
  • Push it back to the starting position. 
  • Repeat the set of reps

Benefits Of Ski Erg Sprints

It engages full-body head-to-toe muscles and effectively engages your lats, rear deltoids, triceps, and grip muscles. Consistent Ski Erg sprints improve anaerobic endurance and strengthen chain muscles like glutes and hamstrings.

6. Callisthenics

Callisthenics is a form of bodyweight exercise that targets the entire body. It is an effective way to improve muscle strength and endurance without the need for equipment.

Types Of Callisthenics

There are various types of callisthenics exercises that can be performed at home and in the gym.

  1. Freestyle: It is similar to gymnastics, which uses parallel and horizontal bars.
  2. Aesthetic: It is quite popular among bodybuilders as it requires weight lifting.
  3. Military: This type of callisthenics involves basic body weight exercises, including push-ups, squats, lunges, planks, dips, leg raises, and more. 

All of the above exercises can be modified to suit different fitness levels.

Benefits Of Callisthenics

Callisthenics are very high-intensity exercises suited for advanced fitness levels, considering they are a movement-oriented sport. They improve balance, flexibility, and posture.

7. Anaerobic HIIT

Anaerobic HIIT Exercises

It is intense training after slower and steady intervals of exercise. HIIT workout classes increases the heart rate to 80% of the maximum rate.

How To Do Anaerobic HIIT

It is like pushing your limits harder at the end of every exercise by increasing weight and performing intervals faster. After HIIT, you may take a longer recovery period.

Types of HIIT

  • Dumbbell lunges: perform ten repetitions with a medium weight on each side.
  • Russian twist: Use a dumbbell and a modest weight for 20 repetitions on each side.
  • Burpees: 15 reps.
  • Kettlebell goblet squats: perform 15 repetitions with a medium weight. 

Benefits Of HIIT

All things considered, HIIT offers numerous health advantages over longer training regimens. Some advantages include reduced blood pressure, heart rate, and body fat. HIIT may also enhance insulin sensitivity and help reduce blood sugar.

Anaerobic Home Workout

You must push your body limits to the max to perform anaerobic exercises at home.  To do this more efficiently at home, start by warming up your body and choose 5 to 8 exercises 

Anaerobic Workout Examples

With your help, we have built the beginners to mid-level fitness, anaerobic workout routine

Warm Up Anaerobic ExerciseCool Down
Jumping jacks: 30 secondsBurpees: 3 sets of 10 repsStatic lunges: 30 seconds (each leg)
High knees: 30 secondsMountain climbers: 3 sets of 20 repsWall sit: 30 seconds
Leg swings: 30 seconds (each leg)Squat jumps: 3 sets of 15 repsLeg raises: 30 seconds
Arm circles: 30 seconds (each arm)Push-ups: 3 sets of 10 repsArm raises: 30 seconds
Plank: 30 secondsPlank jacks: 3 sets of 20 repsFinal plank: 30 seconds

Safety Tips To Follow 

Whether you work at home or choose to work at a fitness gym near me, follow the given below tips to ensure your safety and minimise the risk of injuries

1. Focus On The Body Form

  • Wear active wear that dont catch or snag into the gym.
  • Choose athletic wear with tread

2. Stay Hydrated

  • Keep up with your increasing thirst level, and stay hydrated throughout the workout.
  • Never forget to warm up before the anaerobic exercises.

3. Fuel Your Body Timely

  • Stop exercise if you feel nausea and do not feel well
  • Always end your Routine on the stretching

4. Rest And Recover

After an extensive exercise, allow your muscles to relax and recover between the sessions whenever you need them. It is always advised to increase intensity but according to stamina and fitness level.

5. Set Goals

Set clear, achievable, and measurable goals. For example, I want to lose 4 pounds in a month by working out 30 minutes a day.

6. Gradually Evolve

  • Track your workout progress towards your goals.
  • Don’t forget that consistency is the key.

7. Seek Support From A Personal Trainer

  • If you are a beginner consul with the personal trainer first
  • Also, if you choose to go for strength training, use the spotter

Bottom Line

Lastly, adding anaerobic exercises into your workout routine will help you to quickly meet your fitness goals, like: 

  • Calorie burn
  • Gaining muscle mass
  • Improved cardiac health
  • Lowers your cholesterol and sugar levels and many more.

Another benefit of anaerobic exercise is that it is suitable for fitness levels from beginner to advanced. It offers the biggest range of exercises, from running and swimming to calisthenics and anaerobic HIIT. From sprinting to kettlebell workouts, each exercise is time-efficient and plays a crucial role in boosting your metabolism, building muscles, enhancing cardiovascular health, and losing fat.

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