Benefits Of Group High-Intensity Interval Training Classes

Benefits Of Group High-Intensity Interval Training Classes

High-intensity interval training – HIIT training classes may provide you with the same results as regular exercise. But, this training session takes less time. HIIT group training sessions are the best because it’s a full-body cardio workout.

Did you know that there are more than 20 types of HIIT exercises? You can do all these exercises without any working out equipment. Yes, exactly, you hear us! It’s very easy to do a HIIT workout. Let us explain what type of exercises are involved. Or is this workout worth it (benefits of HIIT)?

Let’s find out why HIIT is so important

Most of the people know about the physical activity, and they understand it’s very healthy. However, the elephant in the room is that 20% of people worldwide don’t get enough of it daily.

In fact, in the US, that number is up to 80%, which means people are not getting enough. Why is this? Well, it’s simple. It depends upon your thinking process. Just like you train, your mind is equal to what you will get or feel and what will happen if you do this or that.

It’s totally like mind games. There is a huge ratio of people who think, “We’re not getting time for working out.” Those people will never get the time or ever try to manage time for exercise.

And the rest is in front of you. They will be fat with high cholestrol levels. What happens after that? They end up being hospitalised and looking for different treatments to lose body fat. So, why don’t you all think straight? Why can’t every one of you try to manage some time for your exercise? As you all know it’s very important and let us tell you that if you don’t work out daily basis. It’s not going to be good for you in any possible way.

But don’t worry. This is where HIIT hits. As we explained why it’s so important group-wise, now let’s explain what type of exercises HIIT involves.

High-Intensity Interval Training (20 Exercises)

High-Intensity Interval Training

So, this training is a 20 minutes long session. You don’t need any dumbbells or any equipment. It’s simple and easy and all of you can easily reduce your body fat, like squeezing juice from the oranges.

Buy a stopwatch or use the app from your smartphone.

Every exercise should be 45 seconds => rest for 15 seconds, and jump to the next one. All of you want a trainer and want to understand how it’s done perfectly. If you are all excited and want to start this workout in a group for your high-intensity interval training class, watch Oliver Sjostrom’s video and follow his every step.

Anyhow, the exercises include;

  1. Jumping Jacks
  2. High Knees
  3. Shuffle Woodchops
  4. Jabs + Uppercuts
  5. Squat + Knee to elbow
  6. Scissor Jumps
  7. Side lunges shuffle + Floor touch
  8. In and Out + Knee Thrust
  9. Squat + Twist Jump
  10. Side Lunge + Knee Thrust
  11. Runner Step back + Knee Thrust (Right Leg)
  12. Runner Step back + Knee Thrust (Left Leg)
  13. Knee Up + Continues Punching
  14. Ghost Rope
  15. Run Side to Side + Squat Jack
  16. Shoulder + Knee Taps
  17. V-sit + Punch
  18. Out Step + Reach
  19. 4 Climbers + Kickback
  20. Max out Pushups

One biggest advantages of HIIT is that all of you can gain maximum health benefits in minimal time.

You will feel silly to say “NO” to HIIT benefits

Burning tons of calories in a short amount of time

Your calories will burn quickly with the help of working out HIIT style.

Many studies have been conducted on HIIT’s benefits, and some have compared the calories burned during 20 minutes. The results have been shocking.

It was found that HIIT burned 25-30% more calories than other physical exercises. The cherry on top is that the people who burn up to 30% of calories exercise one-third of the time than those who run and bike.

Metabolism gets higher for hours with HIIT working out

This magical exercising phenomenon helps you burn more calories after you’re done with HIIT. There are a lot of studies that show that HIIT boosts your metabolism for hours after you complete your workout individually or in a group. That’s what actually matters.

Lose your fat in tremendous amounts with HIIT

Burning your calories results in the increase of a tremendous amount of fat. It is pretty clear that you all will feel the difference and see yourself getting lean day by day.

Interestingly, 400+ adults with high-fat volumes reshaped their bodies with HIIT daily. It has also been indicated that HIIT can decrease body fat regardless of the relatively short time commitment.

Jacked Up with HIIT

Aside from being the fat-cutting, HIIT helps you all wonderful people to gain muscles, too. However, everybody is familiar with the fact that muscle gains happen in those muscles that are being used the most, like the legs and trunk.

But look at the other side. Some studies have shown that some people don’t see the results. They love to do weight training, and that suits them. Maybe that’s the best way to build muscles. But HIIT is also a helping hand in gaining a small amount of muscle growth.

Reducing your heart rate

Everything is based on the research. Quite frankly, lots of research shows that HIIT lowers our heart rate and blood pressure. The cherry on top is that this is completely common.

But if you sneak to the other side, some researches show that HIIT might lower blood pressure even more than the commonly recommended moderate-intensity exercise.

However, here’s a fun fact: HIIT doesn’t usually affect blood pressure in people with normal BMI and blood pressure.

HIIT jumps up aerobic and anaerobic performance

HIIT jumps up aerobic and anaerobic performance

Were you all tired of reading the working-out stuff? Don’t worry this one is slightly apart from that. People get more comfortable with aerobics & anaerobics because it’s like a dance. So, let us tell all of you beautiful people gathered around in a group that HIIT also boosts your performance in short-burst activities and in longer ones, too.

It doesn’t matter if some of you are an athlete or someone who just does their exercises. Want to know more? It also doesn’t matter if you just like playing with your kids. Regularly based HIIT sessions can make you better at all these activities.

How does Meridian Fitness help you here?

If you are a citizen of the United Kingdom and living in Greenwich. You visit Meridian Fitness. It’s the place of heaven for the working-out people. No matter whether you regularly work out or not. We are open to everyone.

So, put on your coats, start your car and visit Meridian Fitness today.

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